How to get a divorce in Ukraine

How to get a divorce in Ukraine

How to get a divorce in Ukraine online

How to get a divorce in Ukraine online

Daria Sergeevna Scriabina
Family lawyer in Ukraine
Hello everyone! My name is Daria Sergeevna Skriabina. I am a family lawyer. Our law company specializes in providing legal services for divorce and recovery of alimony. Our lawyers provide support in court proceedings throughout Ukraine.

There are several ways to dissolve a marriage. The choice of a particular option for divorce depends on certain circumstances, such as the presence of children and the consent or lack of consent of the spouse to dissolve the marriage.

Divorce through the registry office in Ukraine

Divorce through the registry office in Ukraine

The first method is that spouses who do not have minor children in common and agree to divorce can apply with a joint application to the registry office to dissolve the marriage.

An application for divorce through the registry office is drawn up by both spouses, information about each of them is indicated. Also, when drawing up an application for divorce, you can indicate which surname will belong to you after the divorce.

If one of the spouses is not able to personally come to submit such an application, then the second spouse can receive a notarized application from the second and submit it independently.

Elena Litvinenko
Family lawyer
During the quarantine period, there was another opportunity to submit an application to the registry office, namely, filing an application using an electronic digital signature on the official website of the State Registration Service of Civil Status Acts.

To apply for a divorce through the registry office online is convenient, quick and does not require additional time and material costs. You need to issue a digital signature and fill out an application on the website. And a month later, come with your spouse to the registry office in order to pick up the divorce certificate.

The term for consideration of the application in the registry office is only one month. During this period, a married couple can change their mind and withdraw applications for divorce from the registry office.

And in a month you need to personally, together with your spouse, come to the registry office and pick up the divorce certificate.

Divorce certificate is a document that confirms your marital status. The document is mandatory for entering into a subsequent marriage, registration of property – movable and immovable, as well as adoption or the establishment of custody of a child.

Divorce in the court in Ukraine

Divorce in the court in Ukraine

If you have common minor children, then divorce is possible only through a court.

Spouses who do not have minor children in common and agree to dissolve the marriage have the right to file an agreement with the court, together with an application for divorce, on who the children will live with and on what conditions.

The contract should also provide for the moment of payment of alimony for the maintenance of children. The court will analyze the terms of this agreement in detail and check if the rights of children are violated in this agreement. By the way, such an agreement is notarized.

If it is impossible to agree with the spouse regarding the place of residence of the children, the procedure for meeting and communicating with the child, and the collection of alimony in a peaceful way, then these issues should be resolved in court.

By the way, filing for the recovery of alimony is not necessary when you are already divorced. You can apply for child support while you are actually still married. Therefore, it is better not to delay issues related to divorce – determining who the child will live with, how alimony will be paid.

It is better to solve such cases right away in order to protect yourself and the child from possible difficulties.

In order to correctly form a statement of claim and write down all the conditions for divorce in it, we recommend that you contact family lawyers who will help you determine the winning tactics of doing business, tell you how you can save money and time on solving your divorce case.

The term for consideration of the application together with the contract is 1 month, and for filing a statement of claim in 2025 you will have to pay UAH 1211.20

However, the most common way to dissolve a marriage in the presence of common minor children and in the event that one of the spouses does not give consent to divorce, is to go to court with a statement of claim for divorce.

It is imperative that when filing a statement of claim for divorce, you must attach the original marriage certificate and a copy of the birth certificate of children.

A properly prepared and drawn up package of documents for divorce in court is the key to success in resolving a divorce case. A very important point is the correctness of the statement of claim.

The claim should indicate reliable information about the plaintiff and the defendant, clarify the reasons for the dissolution of the marriage. If your application is not drawn up correctly, the court may leave your case without consideration.

Therefore, we recommend that you seek help from a family divorce lawyer, who will correctly draw up a statement of claim for divorce, and indicate clear reasons for the dissolution of the marriage. This will help you speed up the divorce process and save money needed to resolve the divorce case through the courts.

Alexey Nikolaevich Scriabin
Family Lawyer, Head of a Law Firm
If you have any questions or need advice, call or write to any messenger (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram). Our lawyers will advise you online.

Do not delay divorce online, contact our law firm and our lawyers will help you resolve issues in the field of family law.

Frequently asked questions to a lawyer in Ukraine

Frequently asked questions to a lawyer in Ukraine

What are the conditions for a divorce through the registry office?
Can i file for divorce online?
How can the divorce in court be expedited?

Useful site materials

  1. All you need to know about divorce
  2. Where to file for divorce?
  3. Grounds for divorce
  4. Invalid of a marriage
  5. Marriage
  6. Divorce if you are abroad
  7. Recognition of marriage as invalid
  8. Translator in the divorce cases
  9. Marriage with a foreigner
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