Translator in the divorce cases

Translator in the divorce cases in Ukraine

interpreter for divorce

Translator in the divorce cases in Ukraine

Translator in the divorce cases in Ukraine

Daria Sergeevna Scriabina
Family lawyer in Ukraine
Hello everyone! My name is Daria Sergeevna Skriabina. I am a family lawyer. Our law company specializes in providing legal services for divorce and recovery of alimony. Our lawyers provide support in court proceedings throughout Ukraine.

In the article “Translator in the divorce cases” I will tell you whether the services of an interpreter are necessary in case of a divorce at the registry office, about the services of an interpreter in the divorce proceedings of foreigners, about the procedural status of an interpreter, whether a lawyer may be a translator and about the help of an interpreter after a divorce.

Be sure to read the article “Translator in the divorce cases” on the website to the end and you will learn a lot of interesting things about a translator in case of divorce.

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Interpreter services in case of divorce in the registry office / civil registry office in Ukraine

Interpreter services in case of divorce in the registry office / civil registry office in Ukraine

Translation services are relevant while registering a divorce in the registry office / civil registry office if citizens of Ukraine or foreigners do not speak Ukrainian.

In order to become familiar with their rights and obligations applying for a divorce, and after registering a divorce, foreigners refer to the services of qualified translators.

Submitting a divorce statement to the Civil Registry Office, a foreigner must present a civil passport, its notarized translation, a document confirming the legality of staying on the territory of Ukraine. If the legality of staying is confirmed by a foreign passport of a foreigner, and not by a residence permit in Ukraine, then a notarized translation should be attached to the passport.

In order to represent the interests of a foreign client properly when filing an application for divorce, the translator must show the employee of the registry office a passport, as an identity document, and a diploma confirming the translator’s qualifications.

If a foreigner wants to register a divorce through the Civil Registry Office without being present, then he should draw up a notarized divorce statement and a power of attorney for the translator. However, this procedure involves only filing an application without the presence of the foreign spouse.

Interpreter in the divorce proceedings of foreigners in Ukraine

Interpreter in the divorce proceedings of foreigners in Ukraine

How to dissolve a marriage in Ukraine solemnized abroad? In this situation, it is better to turn to the services of an interpreter.

Based on the norms of procedural legislation, civil proceedings are carried out exclusively in the state language.

The courts ensure the equality of the participants of the divorce case on the basis of language. In the process of considering a divorce case, the courts use the Ukrainian language, however, all participants in the process are guaranteed the right to use their native language.

Accordingly, foreigners can appear in court, make statements, submit motions in their native language, using the services of an interpreter.

An interpreter is a person who is fluent in the Ukrainian language, as well as the language, knowledge of which is necessary for conducting specific civil proceedings.

An interpreter is admitted to a court session by a court order on the basis of a motion of a party to the case or on the initiative of a court.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the website of the family lawyer Scriabina D.S. also with the following topics: divorce, alimony, division of spouses’ property, deprivation of parental rights, divorce from children, divorce from a prisoner, divorce from a foreigner, divorce through a registry office, divorce through a court, court decision on divorce, divorce certificate, terms of divorce, cost services for divorce.

Procedural status of an interpreter in Ukraine

Procedural status of an interpreter in Ukraine

Translator – is a specialist in court proceeding. The knowledge, skills and qualifications necessary for conducting divorce proceedings with the participation of foreigners are confirmed by a diploma. The translator certifies with his signature the translations of documents of the parties of the case drawn up during the court session into the native language. The court has the right to call an interpreter to participate in the court session, if necessary.

The translator has the right to refuse to provide his services if he does not know the required language.

The translator has the right for remuneration for his work and compensation of costs connected with a summons to court.

Can a lawyer be a translator in Ukraine?

Can a lawyer be a translator in Ukraine?

Can a lawyer be a translator? This question is quite common. However, it is necessary to understand that a lawyer cannot provide translation services in a court proceeding, as he carries out professional activities to defend, represent the interests of the client. A translator, in fact, like a lawyer, is a separate participant in the process, his rights and obligations are regulated by the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Interpreter assistance after divorce in Ukraine

Interpreter assistance after divorce in Ukraine

After the divorce process has been left behind, it is necessary to think about the proper legalization of divorce documents for their use outside of Ukraine. To do this, you should use the services of an interpreter again. Often, the member states of the Hague Convention 05.10.1961 require a double apostille on the documents. Thus, an apostille should be affixed on a divorce certificate, a court decision or an extract from the State Register of Civil Status Acts, then the document and apostille should be translated into the language where the document will be presented. Do not forget that the translation should be certified by a notary.

Contact the divorce lawyer Alexey Nikolayevich Scriabin in a convenient way and the divorce will be quick and comfortable for you! In addition to the divorce proceedings, the team of a lawyer provides services for the recovery of documents, their translation, certification and apostilization. To do this, you’ve just need to send the documents in electronic form and to get the final result.

Consulting a professional divorce lawyer is a guarantee of your success. Contact the lawyers of our company in any way convenient for you – call or write to messengers. We will help you resolve your issue quickly and efficiently.

If you have a need for advice or paid services of a lawyer, then contact the messengers listed in the contacts section.

If you have any questions, then write them to us by e-mail and I will definitely answer you.

If the article “Translator in the divorce cases” was useful for you, and you learned something new about the translator in case of divorce, then like this article, subscribe to my YouTube channel, share with friends, press the bell to don’t miss new videos.

Useful site materials

  1. All you need to know about divorce
  2. Where to file for divorce?
  3. Grounds for divorce
  4. How to get a divorce in Ukraine
  5. Invalid of a marriage
  6. Marriage
  7. Divorce if you are abroad
  8. Recognition of marriage as invalid
  9. Marriage with a foreigner
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