Lawyer for the division of property of spouses

Lawyer for the division of property of spouses in Ukraine

Division of property of spouses in Ukraine

Division of property of spouses in Ukraine

One of the most difficult and emotional of all family disputes is the case of the division of spouses’ property. It is no secret for most citizens that all property acquired in marriage is considered the joint property of the spouses. However, not everyone knows the list of exceptions to this general rule – the exception is gifts (received under a donation agreement), privatized and inherited property by each of the spouses separately.

In addition, the court may recognize as personal property everything that was bought by each of the spouses at his own expense, if this fact can be proved in court. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the fact that all property must be valued before the division.

The main difficulty in this category of cases is the division of property, the exact composition of which no one knows. Oddly enough, but often one of the spouses applies for legal assistance and cannot even say for sure what exactly was bought in the marriage. For example, several cars were bought, but it is not known which of them is registered to whom, which has not yet been sold. In such cases, it is necessary to ask the court to send appropriate requests to the registration authorities.

Often, instead of dividing each property “in half”, the spouses agree on compensation or give up part of the property in favor of each other. Such agreements can be formalized in the form of an amicable agreement or secured by a court decision with partial recognition of the claim on the one hand and partial rejection of the claim on the other side.

The most painless way to divide property is to voluntarily conclude a written agreement on the division of property. If the contract deals with real estate, then such an agreement requires notarization.

In the law firm Skryabina D.S. the following cost of services related to the division of property: the cost of drawing up and filing a statement of claim for the division of property in court – from UAH 500, participation in 1 court session (with or without the applicant) – UAH 500, drawing up petitions, lawyer inquiries – UAH 200, maintenance cases on the division of property on a turnkey basis – 3500 UAH.

What property can be divided in Ukraine?

What property can be divided in Ukraine?

Any property that was acquired in marriage can be claimed to be divided. It can be bank deposits, household appliances, real estate, cars, art objects and everything else that is of material value.

Family lawyer in Ukraine

Family lawyer in Ukraine

Our lawyers are often asked the question: What is the cost of the court fee for the division of the spouses' property? How to conclude an agreement on the division of the spouses' property? How to divide property in case of divorce in 2021?

On our website you will find all the answers to your questions in the field of family law in Ukraine.

Is it possible to divide property acquired in a civil marriage in Ukraine?

Is it possible to divide property acquired in a civil marriage in Ukraine?

Property acquired by cohabitants living in an unregistered marriage is divided in the same manner as property of legal spouses. The only difficulty in such a situation is the need to prove in court the fact of cohabitation by one family during the acquisition of the property and the availability of a common budget.

What can not be shared in a divorce in Ukraine?

What can not be shared in a divorce in Ukraine?

Gifts, privatized and inherited property by each of the spouses separately are not subject to division upon divorce. Also, you cannot share everything that was acquired by each of the spouses separately for their personal funds.

Regardless of in whose name the property was registered, it is still considered common if it was bought in marriage.

Independent division of property in Ukraine

Independent division of property in Ukraine

The parties can independently divide their common property by registering it in the form of an agreement. If such an agreement is about real estate, then the agreement must be notarized.

Division of property after divorce: when and where to go in Ukraine

Division of property after divorce: when and where to go in Ukraine

Contrary to popular belief, the limitation period for property division cases is considered not from the moment of divorce, but from the day when one of the owners learned about the violation of his right. From that moment on, the owner of the property has three years to go to court.

Family lawyer when deciding cases on division of spouses' property in Ukraine

Family lawyer when deciding cases on division of spouses’ property in Ukraine

In resolving a case on the division of spouses’ property, the most optimal is to contact a family lawyer who will help you quickly and efficiently resolve the case in your favor.

Our lawyers specialize in solving family law cases, so they know the subtleties and nuances that will help speed up the process.

The advantages of going to family law lawyers are:

  • the promptness of resolving the case on the division of the spouses’ property;
  • quick preparation of documents for their submission to the court;
  • saving material and time resources in solving the case;
  • the ability to resolve issues online.
Daria Sergeevna Scriabin
Family lawyer
The best way to save time and money when dividing a spouse's property is to seek the advice of a good family lawyer!

Please contact our family lawyers if a positive result is important for you when dividing the spouses’ property.

If you do not know how best to act when dividing the spouses’ property – call our family lawyers and they will help you sort out the situation!

Frequently asked questions to a lawyer in Ukraine

Frequently asked questions to a lawyer in Ukraine

Do you need a personal presence of the client in court?
What is your experience in family affairs?
What is the cost of legal services in your company?

If the article “Lawyer for the Division of Spouses’ Property” was useful for you, please like it. We will provide you with the most relevant and useful information in the field of family law, as well as on current changes in the legislation of Ukraine.

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  7. Marriage invalidation lawyer
  8. Lawyer for establishing the fact of living as one family without registration of marriage
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