Marriage contract lawyer

Marriage contract lawyer in Ukraine

Conclusion of a marriage contract in Ukraine

Conclusion of a marriage contract in Ukraine

Recently, in Ukraine and in Zaporozhye, in particular, marriage contracts (contracts) are becoming more widespread. However, many married couples do not fully understand what it is and what the potential benefits of such agreements are. In this article, we will focus on these issues.

Persons who are already married or have submitted an application for registration at the registry office can conclude a marriage contract. In the second case, the contract comes into force from the date of registration of the marriage. By itself, a marriage contract requires notarization and can only regulate the property relations of the spouses. If desired, the parties can additionally settle their property obligations for the maintenance of children.

The main task of a marriage contract is to regulate the rights of spouses to property acquired in marriage, as well as what is transferred by each of them for the needs of the family. If one of the spouses lives or will live in the apartment of the other, then the marriage contract may also regulate the procedure for using such housing.

The law does not prohibit the inclusion in the contract of any other conditions at the discretion of the spouses, however, such conditions should not contradict the legislation of Ukraine and the moral foundations of society. The most important thing that can be contained in a marriage contract is the procedure for the division of property in case of divorce.

When concluding a marriage contract, it should be remembered that it cannot put one of the spouses in an extremely disadvantageous position compared to the other. In this case, this may become the basis for the invalidation of the contract. For the rest, the marriage contract is a guarantee of the spouses to protect their rights and can save them from a lot of problems and worries in the future.

Is it possible to change the marriage contract after the wedding in Ukraine?

Is it possible to change the marriage contract after the wedding in Ukraine?

The law does not prohibit spouses at any time by mutual consent to terminate or amend the marriage contract. If there are legal grounds, the marriage contract can be terminated or changed in court.

Family lawyer in Ukraine

Family lawyer in Ukraine

Our lawyers are often asked the question: How to conclude a marriage contract? What is the procedure for concluding a marriage contract? What are the problems of concluding a marriage contract?

On our website you will find all the answers to your questions in the field of family law in Ukraine.

Appointment of a marriage contract in Ukraine

Appointment of a marriage contract in Ukraine

At its core, a marriage contract is a form of contract and its effect is similar to any other contract between individuals. If a dispute arises, the parties can go to court, which will resolve the dispute on the basis of the marriage contract and the legislation of Ukraine.

Can a marriage contract be terminated in court in Ukraine?

Can a marriage contract be terminated in court in Ukraine?

One of the spouses has the right to go to court with a claim for compulsory termination of the marriage contract. Any circumstances of significant importance can be grounds for termination. Also, a marriage contract can be terminated if it is impossible to fulfill it.

What are the grounds for declaring a marriage contract invalid in Ukraine?

What are the grounds for declaring a marriage contract invalid in Ukraine?

The law does not provide for any specific grounds for declaring a marriage contract invalid. In this case, one should be guided by general grounds for recognizing contracts as invalid.

Prenuptial agreement and the rights of the child in Ukraine

Prenuptial agreement and the rights of the child in Ukraine

The marriage contract cannot directly affect the children. If the marriage contract regulates issues of personal relations with children, then this is a direct violation of the law. At the same time, the spouses in the contract can determine for themselves the procedure for incurring the costs of maintaining children.

Family lawyer when deciding cases on the conclusion of a marriage contract in Ukraine

Family lawyer when deciding cases on the conclusion of a marriage contract in Ukraine

In deciding a case on the conclusion of a marriage contract, the most optimal is to contact a family lawyer who will help you quickly and efficiently solve the case in your favor.

Our lawyers specialize in solving family law cases, so they know the subtleties and nuances that will help speed up the process.

The advantages of going to family law lawyers are:

  • the promptness of the decision of the case on the conclusion of the marriage contract;
  • quick preparation of documents for their submission to the court;
  • saving material and time resources in solving the case;
  • the ability to resolve issues online.
The best way to save time and money in a marriage contract is to seek the advice of a good family lawyer!

Contact our family lawyers if a positive result is important to you when concluding a marriage contract.

If you do not know how best to act when concluding a marriage contract – call our family lawyers and they will help you figure out the situation!

Frequently asked questions to a lawyer in Ukraine

Frequently asked questions to a lawyer in Ukraine

Do you need a personal presence of the client in court?
What is your experience in family affairs?
What is the cost of legal services in your company?

If the article “A lawyer for the conclusion of a prenuptial contract” was useful for you, please like it. We will provide you with the most relevant and useful information in the field of family law, as well as on current changes in the legislation of Ukraine.

Useful site materials

  1. Divorce lawyer (divorce)
  2. Child support lawyer
  3. Lawyer for the division of property of spouses
  4. Lawyer to determine the child’s place of residence
  5. Deprivation of parental rights lawyer
  6. Adoption lawyer
  7. Marriage invalidation lawyer
  8. Lawyer for establishing the fact of living as one family without registration of marriage
  9. Lawyer for obtaining a court permit for a child to travel abroad
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